Saturday, April 14, 2007

Don't be surprised then.

You pray for rain? Don't be surprised then when dark clouds start looming over head.

You pray for fire? Don't be surprised then when things around you are consumed and you wonder if you'll be consumed too. Don't forget what fire can really do.

You pray to see God's glory? Don't be surprised then when you can't stand in His presence or utter a word before Him.

You pray God would keep you humble? Don't be surprised then when you're more aware than ever of your nothingness and can only trust in Him.

You pray God would let you live through His strength alone? Don't be surprised then when you become so weak.

You pray for truth? Don't be surprised then when you see how much of you and the world is false.

You pray God would teach you about healing, discernment and compassion, so you can get alongside the sick? Don't be surprised then when you yourself become ill.

You pray..... Don't be surprised then that God actually hears.

1 comment:

Nicola said...

wow, this is pretty poignant. i havent read your blog before fox but it seems pretty inspirational so far.
il be sad when you move away, you are so cheery and make me feel happy when i see you,

much love twiglet