Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Capturing Life

I recently discovered the work of the photographer Emmanual Smague and am truly inspired by his poignant photos. I love the unique way in which compassion flows from his pictures, the insight that he provides into the different realities that people face daily and the depth of character that is so evident in the faces of everyone he captures. I think his photos are heart-breaking and beautiful simultaneously. They make me marvel at life and make me want to cry. And his work does what i believe all good photos should do: it invites you in and makes you focus on the subjects - the people, their lives and situations - it makes you forget about the 'photo' and fills your heart with love for those he is portraying. I recommend visiting his site. The above photos are samples of some of his shots - the guy in the first picture lives in a deserted village in the Ukraine - it was destroyed by the Chernobyl nucleur accident and his is the only family that still lives there - in a desolated place. The other pictures show Kurdish refugees and gypsies in Turkey. 

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