Sunday, June 15, 2008


I have a little love of meadows....  there is a lovely one just round the corner from me, but we're not allowed in it..... it appears that only cows are. Last week we visited a country park with a large wild flower meadow which we were allowed to walk through...... i completely enjoyed myself! It was so beautiful and really relaxing to be there. This week i also noticed that my irises have started to open.... i surprised myself at just how excited i was to see them appearing! I only planted the bulbs, and didn't even do a good job of it... my Dad and the rain watered them, and God made them grow.... amazing when you stop and think about it. Amazing.


Unknown said...

They're beautiful pictures, did you take them? How are you Becky? It's definately time I wrote you a letter soon, sorry for the delay. We're always apologising for that, maybe we should just accept that we often leave it a while and embrace it!! I actually think I wouldn't have much to say if I didn't leave it a few weeks, or months...! Will write soon. Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky
Heard you're down our way again soon - hurrah. It will be lovely to see you. Also I'll take a photo on my phone of my arch and passion flower (I wish I knew how to put photos onto computers but I don't). I know you'll feign interest in my photo and for that I thank you in advance.. x x Pam

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pam... i look forward to seeing you and your passion flower photo... i won't feign interest, it will be genuine i assure you! xxx

Anonymous said...

I took a random picture on my phone the other evening sitting alone. I snapped the cd player but it happened to be reflecting Jeni's orchid and I thought it was pretty cool!
Did you take those photos? I love the one with the long daisy in the foreground. Can we go to some places like that when I come visit in the summer?
Love from Deb