Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'm inspired by the creativeness of others and aspire to create more myself. I often use this blog as a place of noting down worthwhile quotes or collecting inspiration. At the moment i have a real desire to actually produce more of my own work - not just for the sake of it, but because there is a number of specific things i would ideally like to do. However i am faced with a problem - being creative isn't always as easy as i should like it to be and i am in need of much persistence and patience. I'm not a natural writer; i find it hard to put my thoughts into sentences. I'm not a great painter; my perfectionist nature restricts my hand. I'm not a musician; my voice is out of tune & i have no patience to learn an instrument. Instead i often borrow other people's words and pictures and songs. I use their work to express my thoughts and heart. I'm not sure anymore if i know how to express those same ideas through my own tongue or hand. I can but try, but in trying i need much grace not to give up. 


Anonymous said...

'There is nothing new in the whole world. 'Look' they say 'there is something new.' But no, it has all happened before, long before we were born.'

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for men.'

Becky Fox said...
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