Apparently it's actually called a passion flower because it was discovered by Spanish Christian missionaries and it reminded them of the 'passion of Christ' on the cross. All the different parts of the flower are supposed to symbolise different aspects of Jesus dying on the cross, for example the nails and the wounds and the crown of thorns. It sounds like a slightly Catholic thing to do to me. Anyway, apparently traditionally the leaves can also be used to make tea which is meant to heal things such as epilepsy! I don't think i will actually risk making tea out of it in the hope that it will heal me, i read somewhere else that doing that can be very dangerous! I don't want to get overly caught up in the symbolism either and i'm not going to be all mystical about the leaves!! However, i did find that on reading of it's origin and the apparent healing properties of it's leaves i was directed back to Jesus and remembered the verse in the bible which talks about the tree of life and how "the leaves are for the healing of the nations" Rev 22.2. I'm not going to put my hope in a flower, however beautiful it is, but i am going to put my hope in Jesus and do believe that there is healing in him, through his death and resurrection - healing from sin, healing from sickness, healing from all things. Somehow the fact that the same flower that represents Jesus' death also has leaves which are meant to heal epilepsy, simply gave some vigour back to my faith and hope that it is Jesus who will heal me and other people - whether we see that healing today, tomorrow, or when He comes again.
"On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." - Rev 22.2