Saturday, March 01, 2008

as bad as stoning...

I love the way Jesus speaks, the way He acts, it never ceases to amaze me. I was thinking again today about the woman who was caught in adultery and the scribes and pharisees who wanted her to be stoned and asked Jesus what He thought. His reply was 'let Him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.' It's a famous passage in the Bible and a genius answer from Jesus. The reason it struck me more today was because i saw "The Kite runner"as a film a few weeks ago. For the first time in my life i saw a woman being stoned publicly. I know that it was just acting, but it still really disturbed me. I guess i'd never really thought deeply about being stoned and the relief the woman must have felt when she wasn't condemned and walked away free. It must have been amazing relief she felt. I guess i don't always dwell on all it is i've been saved from, it probably isn't good to dwell on it, but it would be as bad as stoning, so my relief is the same as hers, though often i forget it.  

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