He makes all things new. All things, it says. That's quite a promise. He'll make the lame walk again. Those who can't speak will utter their first words of praise. Those who've lived in darkness all their lives will see. They'll actually see the beauty of life with their very own eyes. Shadows will take shape. And all life will be restored. Hope will deliver it's promise. Truth will prevail. Life will laugh at death, which will be dead forever, conquered by Jesus. And all eyes will see Him. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. His mighty roar will gather in the tribes, which will worship the spotless Lamb forever. For all our days, we'll serve Him. One day. One day. And we'll behold His face.. His eyes... His hands that bear our scars. For we know that our Redeemer lives. My Redeemer lives.